Chasing Ghosts

They dance and sing
They poke and prod
They captivate our Soul

They press against our psyche
Pretending to be friends
Pretending to hold out the answer
As if the Truth was theirs

But what are they really?
Ghosts of times past
Visions of some unforeseen future
Sometimes even ghosts of ghosts
Whose source can not be confirmed
Mirages of dreams…

And yet they hold such great sway
Hold us with such great force
That as many times
As they prove to be illusory
Smoke in the mirror
We jump at them still
Leaping at the dream, the fantasy
Believing that this time it must be Real

And yet unlocking their power
Diffusing them
Is so very difficult
These dreams and fantasies
Can be nothing but
And how is that they hold such great sway?
Such great power over our Soul?

We stretch and reach in desperate need
Of that which cannot be found
That which exists only in the Mind
The ghosts that hold such great sway

They taunt and tease
And play about in their way
Twisting and turning our hearts
So many times, so many times

And so we are told
To replace one set of ghosts with another
The ghost of God
The ghost of the Divine
The ghost of the Sacred
The ghost of the Soul

And Faith in Him
Faith in Her
Will purify the Mind
And allow the Truth to shine forth
But ghosts they are still

And learneth not
Yet learneth we must
Press forward in this world of ghosts
For this merry go round must end
Eventually it must end

Maybe not in joy
Maybe not in despair
Maybe with Knowledge
Or maybe just Ignorance

Chasing ghosts we are
Chasing ghosts we must
Chasing ghosts our Fate
Lord help us all

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