Tag Archive for: artificial intelligence

Topic Modeling and Clustering Case Study

We look in detail at some of the most common clustering and topic modeling techniques in NLP against a philosophical text to see how they perform. Focused on Python sklearn and gensim libraries that support K-Means, Hierarchical and Non-negative…

ChatGPT Code Generation Capabilities: a case study of topic modeling in python

Introduction What follows is a description of a few weeks interaction with ChatGPT using it as a sort of coding assistant for a research project in Topic Modeling that I am currently working on. Topic Modeling is in and of itself a semi-advanced…

Language, Symbol and Meaning

Notes from the Digital Underground, Wednesday October 12, 2022 As i dive deeper into the bowels of Machine Learning (ML), exploring the nuance and depth of its underlying geometry mathematical formulations, the role of mathematics, symbol…
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On Digital vs. Biological Information Processing (IRA Excerpt)

We now look to more formally address the definition of this theoretical idealogical information processing (Turning) machine as a system of idealogical state configuration(s) in its own, abstract (really transcendent), “space”, or spatial…

Entry 10.1.2021: Networking, Data Exchange and the Age of Information

The modern technology infrastructure has ushered in a new age, the Information Age, where people from all over the world can share their stories, experiences, knowledge to anyone and everyone around the world. A massive, global, redundant and…
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Homo Machina

These psychological breaks, these fits of madness, or the experience of altered states during rites or initiations (usually mixed with hallucinogenic) speak to this underlying psychological architecture… We’re not looking at neuro-chemical…