Tag Archive for: Enuma Elis

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The Enûma Eliš: Sumer- Babylonian Creation Mythos

Like all ancient mythological traditions, in order to have a contextual understanding of ancient myth and the culture within which it evolved, one must look at the historical and archeological record, along with the extant textual and writing…
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The Theogony of Hesiod: Order (Cronos) from Chaos

One of the nice things that you found as you studied more advanced civilizations, as you got further into the first millennium BCE, you had better material and source texts to work with.  You no longer had to rely on texts and tablets that…
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Creation Mythology in Antiquity: Order out of Chaos

Introduction: Creation Myths in Antiquity Any cursory study of Egyptian and Sumer-Babylonian creation mythology yielded parallels and similarities, but was much less clear and open to debate was whether or not these similarities, these mythemes…
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Ancient Sumerian Cosmology: Order out of Chaos

What about the creation myths of the Babylonians and Sumerians then?  This was the next step of Charlie’s journey to get a better understanding of how man’s quest for understanding the nature of the universe and mankind’s place in it…