Tag Archive for: Ramakrishna

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The Postmodern Condition: Is it Fatal?

What we attempted to do with Theology Reconsidered, at least one of things we attempted to do, was to establish the intellectual framework, the rational grounds you might say, that underpins states of consciousness that broadly fall under the…
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Coming Out Party

There’s a few things people need to know. That have been hidden for centuries, millennia even. Closely guarded and kept secret by guardians, handed down generation to generation, transmitted from teacher to student since time immemorial –…
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The Science of Being

There is a science which studies Being qua Being, and the properties inherent in it in virtue of its own nature. This science is not the same as any of the so-called particular sciences, for none of the others contemplates Being generally qua…
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What is the nature of Being?

Aristotle's philosophy, his metaphysics at least, is underpinned by his notion of being (óntōs), and the study of that which constitutes said being, being qua being as it is typically referred to in the Western philosophical tradition. It…
Ancient Human Migration Patterns
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Overarching Themes: The Laurasian Hypothesis and a New Metaphysics

While we have attempted to describe the nature of the work, and its underlying “purpose”, in Aristotelian terms[1], whenever the author stops to think about it, or whenever he is asked “why” he’s doing it, there never appears to be…
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Judeo-Christian Cosmology: A Comparative Perspective

The primary source for Judeo-Christian cosmology is can be found in the early part of the Bible[1], primarily in Genesis of course[2].  The challenge when looking at the Bible from a purely academic and historical perspective however, is that…
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Theology Reconsidered: An Introduction

What follows is the Introductory chapter from a newly published, two Volume work entitled Theology Reconsidered.  The book can be purchased from Lambert publishing via their website; Volume I here and Volume II here.   When looking…
Allegory of the Cave

The Great Cave of the Mind

So many teachings So many schools So many methods So many philosophies So many religions and creeds There is no end really As there exist different societies and nations All throughout the world There will always be different methods Which…

Vedic Worship

To sit and submit The offering of incense and candles And be inspired By the life of the Master And those who came before us To show us the Way That there is some Truth To all the Teachings That Love exists That true love is all that there…

Kali’s Child: A Case Study in the Limits of Freudian Psychoanalysis

As reluctant as I am to offer off an opinion on a debate that has been bantered about by scholars much more learned and experienced than I in comparative religion and scholars familiar with the source texts in Bengali, most notably the Kathamrita…