Tag Archive for: Theology Reconsidered

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On Science, Physics and Knowledge (excerpt from IRA)

We seemed to have reached a place in the human understanding where Physics, the intellectual (really academic) discipline of the description of the world of matter, and Psychology, the intellectual discipline of the world of mind, are on a sort…

Writer’s Dilemma

Being a writer is a sort of curse, a sort of cosmic joke in the eyes of the Creator. He must have a sense of humor. He must… I have a friend, very senior marketing and branding guy, who’s first question to me about my writing – and…
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The Postmodern Condition: Is it Fatal?

What we attempted to do with Theology Reconsidered, at least one of things we attempted to do, was to establish the intellectual framework, the rational grounds you might say, that underpins states of consciousness that broadly fall under the…
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Ancient History 101

If we do not know our history are we not doomed to repeat it? Are were not here to learn anything at all? What if our shared, human history was kept from us? To divide us? So that we would not know just how truly wonderful and powerful we were? We…
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First Philosophy: Aristotle Again

It is almost annoying to have to continually go back to Aristotle when looking for the best ways to divide things, to think about things intellectually. In the West at least. It is not an exaggeration to say that his work forms the very…
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Homo Mysticus

But it’s homo mysticus too isn’t it? We are a thinking man, but perhaps at this stage of development a new species has emerged – a mystical Man, who knows his place on Earth but also knows his place in Heaven. This is most certainly…
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The Valdezian Ennead

What we add to this model, as a sort of stabilizing intellectual force on top of and somewhat orthogonal to the existing models presented above (Kant, Aristotle, Pirsig, Jung and others), a sort of re-alignment and shifting of intellectual ground…
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The Bridge (aka the Valdez)

Somewhat reluctantly, it must be recognized that some sort of broad philosophical context must be established for the work at hand – Homo Mysticus and Theology Reconsidered taken as a tandem as it were, re-establishing the boundaries of…
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Eternal Return (Homo Mysticus excerpt)

Outside of the teacher to student relationship we have going on here, or at least the intentions of such, we are also trying to move knowledge forward for the collective as well. Press the boundaries of acceptable, relatable and real knowledge…
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homo mysticus is here

If you want to read some of my latest work, more of a gnostic bent than most of my previous work but covering some of the same topics (ancient philosophy and metaphysics, mysticism, sacred geometry and theology, etc), you can see an early draft…